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Watch the essay here Today I'm 40. I started my life in the projects, didn't graduate high school, and became a stone-cold alcoholic making so little money I was stealing food to survive. Eventually, I went on to be a standout Golden Glove-winning and national champion boxer, got signed by Roc Nation Sports as a professional, served in the military, got a degree in physics, and met the woman of my dreams along the way—and now said woman and I—who have lived in Portugal because she's born and raised in Portugal—have a kid. I'm also just finished my first book to be published by a major publishing house about my life, titled "Hard Lessons From The Hurt Business: Boxing and The Art of Life." You can pre-order here. It's been a wild ride, and I'm happy to be celebrating 4 decades on this planet and 40 trips around the sun. Still, I would have avoided a lot of crazy women, addictions, and financial mistakes if I had someone in my life to tell me the 27 things I'm about to share with you that I've learned along the way. Quick note. This is the last email to get on the waitlist for my Zero-Edit YouTube Workshop. There will be three workshops where I will teach the low-edit method I've used to grow my YouTube channel and make $2500/mo in ad revenue without using fancy edits, b-roll, or even music.
27 brutal truths I wish I knew in my 20s and 30s
Teaching what I've learned from the hood, the ring, and everything in between. Join 35k other readers to learn how to manage risk, build relationships, and confront reality.
Listen to this newsletter During the pandemic, I ran a few cohorts to help men kick their porn addiction. Much the way I had kicked my drinking habit (link to those videos in the description), I had successfully kicked the porn habit, some of my most popular articles were about kicking porn, and I genuinely enjoy coaching and teaching. I was as big of a porn addict as you can be. The crazy thing is that I didn’t really have a problem getting laid. Back when I was younger, better looking, had...
The Internet is an attention-based economy. People don’t even have to sell products to make money—just look at the income model called “CPM.” CPM means “cost per thousand” (M for “mil” or thousand from Roman numerals). If a website charges $2.00 CPM, every 1,000 page views net them two bucks. I want to be very clear: you never have to buy anything. You don’t even need to read the ad. The mere fact it pops up on your screen counts as an impression. And this isn’t small potatoes—last year, the...
People always think I’m full of it when I tell them that learning how to box helped me get a degree in physics, learn enough Spanish to watch my favorite telenovelas *mostly* without peaking at the subtitles and get my chess rating into the 1800s, Everyone has this idea that boxing is a sport of brutal headbanging aggression that leaves you with less mental capacity than when you started. And to be fair, I have had some concussions that left me at a loss for how to do something as basic as...