Stoic Street-Smarts |
Before we get into today's newsletter, I want to let you know that I'm finalizing my next class, "Podguesting to Profits." In this class, I'll show you how to get booked on podcasts to grow your audience and increase your dollars—without hiring a PR firm or wasting time. Learn more here. Happy New Year!! Yes, I know a week has passed, but this is the first newsletter I've sent out of 2024 (unless you've been getting my emails to the cold subscribers), so I get to wish everyone a better year than the one before—even if you owned 2023. Things will be a *little* different here from now on. Nothing too crazy, but I think these changes will make the newsletter better. The newsletter will now contain five sections
Also of note, I'm going to make an audio version of each newsletter. I'm only publishing on YouTube right now, but I'll also have an RSS feed set up soon. Today's featured product is: "I’ve never imposed calorie caps, and I didn’t get here by trying to get here. I got here by noticing that there were pain-free changes I could make to my former “eat whatever delicious food tastes good” diet that allowed me to maintain the pleasure I derived from eating without suffering as many of the consequences to my physique. I noticed there were bad things I was putting in my body that weren’t actually bringing me much pleasure and that could be easily replaced or removed. Since making several minor alterations to my diet and training style, I’ve been losing fat every year without emotional suffering." Alex is making his E-book "Ten Easy Wins For Fat Loss" free to my audience. Download here. If the link still has the price, use promo code "FRIENDOFED." Listen to this newsletter below. Like, comment, or subscribe to my growing channel. It really helps! “When we look at the experimental data, weak ties are better, on average, for job mobility than strong ties,” says Sinan Aral, a management professor at MIT and co-author of a new paper detailing the study's results, which involved millions of LinkedIn users. The old saying is, "It's not what you know, but who." The idea is that personal connections are more responsible for professional success than merit or ability. This idea is certainly observable in cases of nepotism or cronyism, but those are so obvious that they don't teach us anything useful or that we didn't already know. We need something faster and more specific. Ideally, the solution won't feel like the traditional networking that so many people dread, almost as much as they hate the idea of selling. Fortunately, the Theory of Weak Ties is here to save the day, and baked into the solution is an easy method to increase your chances of finding work, clients, friends, and romance. Stanford sociologist Mark Granovetter distinguishes between the strength of interpersonal ties in his influential work "The Strength of Weak Ties." He refers to close, intimate relationships as strong ties, while more distant connections are labeled weak ties. Our strong ties are our close friendships and family bonds. These relationships provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and the ability to mobilize aid in distress. Strong ties are built through shared life experiences over long periods, leading to trust and reciprocity. We interact frequently with these strong tie connections, relying on each other for both affection and assistance. On the other hand, weak ties represent our broader social network acquaintances. These include old classmates we rarely talk to, distant relatives we see only occasionally, or colleagues from an old job. The interactions are more limited and often situational. But most importantly, these weak ties bridge different social circles, giving access to non-redundant sources of information and opportunities for collaboration. They expose us to fresh ideas and diverse worldviews. While our inner circle of confidants provides intimacy, the outer layer of weaker ties gives flexibility. Through weak ties, we can tap into the resources, knowledge, and perspectives of a more comprehensive array of people. It is the combination of strong ties that bond and weak ties that bridge, which enables cooperation and innovation on a societal level. Our networks gain strength and vitality when weak ties between groups are woven together. Read the rest of the newsletter on my siteSocial media round-up
Some cool content for the week
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Teaching what I've learned from the hood, the ring, and everything in between. Join 35k other readers to learn how to manage risk, build relationships, and confront reality.
People always think I’m full of it when I tell them that learning how to box helped me get a degree in physics, learn enough Spanish to watch my favorite telenovelas *mostly* without peaking at the subtitles and get my chess rating into the 1800s, Everyone has this idea that boxing is a sport of brutal headbanging aggression that leaves you with less mental capacity than when you started. And to be fair, I have had some concussions that left me at a loss for how to do something as basic as...
Watch the essay here Today I'm 40. I started my life in the projects, didn't graduate high school, and became a stone-cold alcoholic making so little money I was stealing food to survive. Eventually, I went on to be a standout Golden Glove-winning and national champion boxer, got signed by Roc Nation Sports as a professional, served in the military, got a degree in physics, and met the woman of my dreams along the way—and now said woman and I—who have lived in Portugal because she's born and...
You are the worst person to assess your strengths and weaknesses because you have the worst perspective of your actions. Everything you do or say, you can only judge its impact by how others respond to it, and that response will be influenced by the recipient's current state of mind, relationship with you, and what they want—or don’t want—from you. It can be impossible to get honest feedback about yourself from people. Even when a person gives you a complete assessment without regard to your...