Hard Lessons From The Hurt Business update

This is a short newsletter about some of the happenings around the book, along with great free resources for fathers.

Excerpts, research, and community

For this book, I can confidently say that I've written over 250k words and compiled A LOT of research around family dynamics, social interactions, game theory, learning science, addiction, and physical training.

The book in its (nearly) final form will contain none of this research and essays.

It will be much more of a memoir telling my story while delivering lessons and insights. In fact, the second draft of the book looks NOTHING like the first draft because, in that first draft, I was trying to be something I'm not.

I wasn't writing with the full power of my natural voice and leaning into my strengths. While I've always built my perspectives and opinions on research, writing my book relies on my lived experiences of:

  • Growing up in the public housing projects, being raised by a single mother, and surviving her abusive boyfriend.
  • Shifting to a new social class of people and discovering how behind I was in life.
  • Failing out of a college with an alcohol problem.
  • Boxing, winning a national amateur title, and going pro under Jay-Z's RocNation Sports
  • Getting a degree in physics.

Those are just a few bullet points, but it's clear that I've had one hell of a ride. That story is what the book has become. With that said...

All that work I did in the first draft has to go somewhere. I've decided to upload it over the next 12-18 months in my Substack paid community. If you didn't know, I have a Substack that is growing nicely—I think EVERYONE who writes should have one.

Also, as part of the community, you'll get early access to the book and a free signed copy when it launches, along with monthly "Ask me anything" Zoom calls about using the topics in the book I write about or the publishing journey in general.

But really, the best part is that you get to see the other side of the book—the book that won't be released to the public, which is just as valuable, but not the direction that I'm sharing with the public.

You can sign up to my Substack for free as well, but you won't have access to the extra content and the perks. Either way, your support is always appreciated.

Speaking and podcasting

As part of the marketing of the book, I'm currently putting together a list of podcasts and speaking leads to reach out to over the next year to deliver my message and promote the book.

If you:

  • Have a podcast and would like to have me as a guest,
  • Are part of an organization that brings in speakers.
  • Have an email list

Let's talk. You've been on the list and saw a sampling of what's covered in the book, let's talk about how to collaborate.


I spent nearly 2 weeks studying YouTube on, well, YouTube. I didn't just learn what works with videos, but I also studied directly from VidIQ's YouTube channel.

I now know why some videos sucked (most of them) and why the ones that have done well have done well. As part of promotion, I'm on a much tighter—yet more relaxed—video production schedule. What do I mean by that?

I had trouble creating videos before because I wanted to come off polished, so I was figured I needed a sharpened script that I read off a teleprompter. Well, not only was that taking too long but the videos weren't capturing me and my my personality. So now I'm more laid back, relaxed, and a bit more off the cuff.

I've got a batch of videos set to upload, and I'd love for you to subscribe. Worst case scenario, you hate the content. Best case, it's a free way to help me out as I build towards making my book launch big and spreading my content.

A quick guide for fatherhood

Taking advice from other people on parenting always feels a bit odd, but if it's done tastefully, then you can learn a lot. I connected with Ben Black because his account focuses on fatherhood and family, two things I hope will become my defining legacy.

He's put together a short guide on some ways for busy fathers to reconnect with their kids. It's a short a read and it may give you ideas that you never thought of.

Stoic Street Smarts

Teaching what I've learned from the hood, the ring, and everything in between. Join 35k other readers to learn how to manage risk, build relationships, and confront reality.

Read more from Stoic Street Smarts

The cool thing about boxing—compared to other sports and even other combat sports—is that there's only one way out of a boxing match. Assuming you or your opponent aren't disqualified, you have to take a lot of damage. It's the most significant scoring criteria in a fight. If the match doesn't end in a knockout—you took so much damage that you were unable to continue—then the winner of the fight is typically the one who caused the most damage to his opponent. And—even if you win, you're going...

Let's start this newsletter with a brief summary of my past. I started amateur boxing at 22. By 26, I had won a state and national amateur boxing championship, earned a sponsorship worth $100k a year, and was ranked 4th in the United States in the 201+ weight class. I turned professional three weeks before my 29th birthday. By 30, I was signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation Sports. At 31, I suffered my first professional loss by an embarrassing first-round knockout. I took a year off to finish my...

No matter how much of a free thinker you believe yourself to be, the people around you heavily influence you—even if you aren't aware of this influence. Humans don't exist in a vacuum. Unless you live "off the grid," in which case you wouldn't even be reading this, this also applies to you. Social influence is a powerful, often invisible force that shapes our behaviors, decisions, and perceptions in countless ways, even though we tend to underestimate its impact on ourselves. Each member of...