Here are 11 reasons why humanity is doomed and everything is f*cked. If we could fix even 2 of these things, our planet would become unrecognizable in the best way.
Their summaries are high-level works of art, complete with commentary and additional insights to help you bridge together information and concepts presented in the books. I read through their summary of "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, and I was impressed that they picked up the point of Viktor's logotherapy and how it aided his survival in the concentration camps.
Most people consider Frankl's approach to be stoicism, but I've always felt that it's clearly not—and I'm a fan of stoicism. Clearly, they are doing the work of reading the book and making intelligent insights.
But that's not even the best part…
Each summary has an audio version so that you can listen on the go. You're able to enjoy the summaries the same way you enjoy your favorite podcast! And they cost less than you'd spend on just one book.
Save time and money with Shortform. Use my link here for a 20% discount. So it's even cheaper now. If you're a reader looking for extra clarity on difficult or obscure points in the book, Check it out here!
1) We're terrible at the future
We're awful at planning beyond what will feel good right now. We consistently choose the easier path because it makes everyone feel better instead of doing the harder things that suck but make us healthier, happier, and more prosperous later.
2) We can't admit when we're wrong
Humans will die over pride. This seems honorable except when it's misplaced and prevents them from finding a MUCH better solution. But they won't take it because that means admitting the original solution—the one they're ego vested in—was wrong
3) We can't accept when someone admits they're wrong
Humans simultaneously call people out for being wrong, then hold it over their heads later even if—and many times, especially—they admit they were wrong. This, of course, makes people less likely to admit they were ever wrong.
4) We can't forgive
While I believe that a man should pay for his crimes, there is such a thing as growth, repentance, and forgiveness. In our society, the first thing is no longer accepted, even if the second has occurred because, on a fundamental level, no one practices the third anymore.
5) Tribalism and false dichotomy
"If you're not for me, you're against me" mentality. Politicians exploit this tribal mentality by proposing all types of crazy shit in the name of the party ideals. You must be against all the party's ideas if you don't support that idea.
6) Greed
People will make a dollar any way they can. It ALWAYS comes back to the money. For any conspiracy, ask yourself who financially benefits, & you'll have it figured out. Crime causes poverty is WAY more true than poverty causes crime. #CorruptPoliticians
7) Lack of gratitude
We're experts at comparing what's wrong and what we lack. We forget what we have and how fortunate we are. Everyone thinks their life is so hard. They tweet about it from an iPhone in a house where they have no fear of getting popped by a stray bullet.
8) No accountability
Everything is someone else's fault. Even how you feel about yourself results from the world and its unfair standards for success and beauty.
As comedian Kat Williams once hilariously pointed out, "It's called SELF-ESTEEM. It's the esteem of yo mothafuckin self! How the fuck can I fuck up how you feel about you?"
9) We try to cheat trade-offs
You can have anything. You just can't have everything. People think they can get everything from money to romance without doing the work for it. And then, of course, they blame other people because they didn't plan for the future.
10) We're lazy
Not just physically, though that's obvious. Mentally, no one does research past the headline. Emotionally, no one exercises self-control. And because we're also greedy, media and corporations take advantage of this. So you're mad about everything AND fat.
11) No respect for each other
People don't respect each other. No empathy, awareness, or appreciation. This is not to be confused with coddling and safe spaces. This is just presenting your best self to your fellow human at all times and with the best intentions.
What would you add? What did I miss? Shoot me back a reply with your thoughts!
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